Swagged Out Stock is meant to be... well... stock. But that doesn't mean we can't throw in a little bit of sexiness into this ROM! To do this, I have decided to create Swag = ON. By definition, Swagification means: "the natural ability, or the art of having swagger." So let's get your EVO Swagged Out already!
The Goods
(This side is for the 4.54 version|This side is for the 4.24 version)
- All the goodies from Swag = OFF base
- lithid-cm's HTC EVO 4G Freedom-v0.8.5 Kernel (OC, UV, SmartAss governor)
- USB Debugging icon removed from status bar and GPS icon removed when off - thanks Team Nocturnal|thanks ldc2335
- 1X/3G icon fix - thanks Team Nocturnal|thanks ldc2335
- Custom boot animation featured on G&E - thanks thermanlee
- Notification bar themed and transparent pull-down added - thanks Team Nocturnal|thanks tommytomatoe for tips on how to make pull-down transparent... theme images thanks to me :)
- 3 keyboard options added - stock replaced with keyboard with black background (thanks ldc2335), HTC_IME Mod added for those that don't like arrows (thanks jonasl), and Gingerbread Keyboard added for those that miss AOSP (thanks to Android?)
- Sprint Lover icons in the status bar - thanks to chris1683 for making the ROM inspiring these icons
- % Battery icon - thanks martijua
- Black bar lock screen slider - thanks martijua
- Rosie (i.e. dock) modded to look like Sense 2.1 with remapped right button which leads to LaunchKey that can be programmed to open any app - thanks to tommytomatoe's tutorial to enable this sweet feature
- Comfortaa font added - thanks aajohan for making the font
- Includes some apps too: LaunchKey (for remapped Rosie) and SetCPU (for OC) - thanks to Beansoft and MichaelHuang, respectively for their wonderful apps
- CIQ is fully removed - find out why by reading this G&E article
- OTA Updates via ROM Manager Premium
- Gingerbread overscroll affect
- Probably more... follow changes at the Changelog page.
Found in the Downloads page.
Installation/Update Instructions
Found in the Installation page.
Please report all bugs to me via the G&E forum thread (4.53|4.24), xda-developers thread (4.53 only), or Twitter.